Wednesday, January 27, 2010

State of the Union

So, in order to lift his failing approval ratings, Obama has to run against the record of his own party.

Here's how I got there. In order to be useful to Democrats in November, Obama must first lift his own approval ratings. In order to be seen more positively, Obama had to campaign against the shameful behavior of the Congress under a Democrat majority. And then, once Obama has thrown his congressional allies under the bus, he will then attempt to leverage his popularity to help them get back on the proverbial bas and somehow survive reelection. No wonder the Democratic party is becoming so confused and divided.

Obama is trying to walk a tightrope with his convoluted message. Obama is trying to thread the Clintonian needle, implying he is somehow different from the Washington nonsense Americans have come to distrust. And yet he wants Americans to entrust the Democrats who are complicit in this Washington mess. President Obama spoke as a populist outsider against the corruption in Washington. The problem is that the corruption is being demonstrated by his own party.


Instead of wrapping your head around Obama's nonsense, why not watch a classic movie or read a good book.

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